Saturday, 24 April 2010

VS in Notre Dame de brebieres, Albert

This photo has arrived from two enthusiastic audience members who had travelled from Bath (though possibly not just to see us)

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Royal Festival Hall 2nd May

This is a version of the Royal Festival Hall page with details of the choirs singing at the RFH on 2nd May. It is a .jpg file and should be copyable and enlargeable.
See for original, as mentioned in Christine's e-mail.

Radiohead article

Here is the article re the Radio 3 charts that Martin mentions below

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Shock-horror; charts on Radio 3!

Radio 3 has started broadcasting a 'pure' classical music top ten, based on releases made over the last 2 years, in a couple of it's programmes. Of interest to us is that Mahler's symphony no. 2 is currently at number 10, and Rob Cowan remarked "But there is something very special at number 10. If you want to hear music that has the power to transform lives, then listen to this".
To see an article by Elizabeth Mahoney search for 'Radio head' on, with date of 14th April.